Pain is one of the adults of most health problems. Approximately 8 to 10 adults suffer from the problem of the time or the other in their life. This may be the muscular strain or Spasm, nyrjähdyksiin and articulated the emotional life, (which include the preparation of the call), common problems, or "slipped disc". The most common cause is Le Grand Duc lifestyle, or by using the back muscles, which you do not want to use. Back pain can vary from dull, constant ache a sudden, strong pain. Acute back pain usually appears suddenly and lasts for a few days to a couple of weeks. Normally, the back pain for the last 2-3 days. If not for pain relief within three days of proper medical attention. Relief for back pain do the asanas, if the pain does not have any injury or other medical reasons.
Lie on back up. Join together in the hands of the body, legs & side by side. Bend the right leg, exhale deeply, then your knees against your body & your head while pressing to bend your knees. Now come back to the original position. Repeat the same process, with the left foot. Straighten your legs and back, and relax. To do this with your own asan both feet together. Repeat this asan 4-5 times.
The expenditures asan
Lie on back up. Toes and feet of the Paste together. Bend the knees and placed close to the buttocks. Join the legs together & knees together. Stretch your hands perpendicular to the body as well. At the same time, bend the knees and pull the feet of the neck to the left and right. The hands, arms and shoulders should be based firmly on the ground and should move at the same time, the knees or neck. Try to touch the knees with the left & on the left side of the ear on the floor & See your eyes with the right hand thumb. In this position until you can safely. Exhale, and come back to the original location. To do this, the other side of the asan. Repeat steps 3-4 times.
Lie on your body. Keep your hands in the body, in parallel, to join together to the ends of toes & access & facing the palm oil on the floor. Keep your knees, back straight, Stretch toes. Even if the drag is an integral part of the left foot, hands, head up in the air transport & balance, by way of compensation from the body attributed to the belly button of this till safely & take the normal breath. Come back to the original position to make the whole process & right foot & hand. Now do this on your own, of the one part, and the feet & asan, in conjunction with the hands.
At the same time, the standby to direct their own hands, both feet together with your legs on the side of the &. See the front of the front of the display, as well as your hands & at the same time keeping them straight, facing each other, kämmenten &. Even if the gesture more than drag directly in the head, the hands evokes the pointing fingers in the sky. Now lift your feet and try to stretch the body's own toes in standby mode. In this position for a few seconds. Now exhale & back to the position, raise the feet of the ground slowly raise your hands in the bottom of the &. This is repeated five times. Please, as a precautionary measure, the jerk of the body.
Bhujang asan
Lie on your body. Keep your hands in the body, in parallel, to join together to the ends of toes & access & facing the palm oil on the floor. On the second floor of the Institute and the Office of the chin bends. Now, at the same time, slowly drag lift the head, nose, chin, neck & chest up your pole & keep up the view. In this position for some time (30 seconds to one minute). Now that breathing out a comedown, while & places its chin on the ground floor. Remember that you can bring the polar body & Palm should be continuously shoulders.
Ssan Makar
Lie on your body. Keep your hands in the body, side by side, join the ends of toes & database together. Bend your elbow in both hands, they are as close as possible to take a stand for hands & face (chin) placed in the hands. Now drag the license at the same time, the football, so that the stem bends the head touches the buttock & straightens while breathing in football. Now repeat this with the left foot. For this action is not few minutes after both legs of the same customer, do not together.